Thursday, May 20, 2010

A Message from Pastor Brown


Just a few thoughts as we zero in on our trip.

1. We will have a very important final meeting on Sunday, May 30, after the afternoon service(about 2:00 p.m.).
a. Bring your passport so that we can make a copy of it for you
b. Your final payment is due at this time.
c. Send me any questions you may sill have as soon as possible so I can get answers for us before this meeting.

2. As you are planning, your first checked bag is fee (up to 50 lbs). A second bag would cost YOU $50 each way. This does not include a carry-on, which is also free.

3. To make room for souvenirs on the trip back, you can make room by taking some old clothes that you don't mind leaving there.

4. Remember to bring your Nehemiah study sheets with you on the trip.

Laborers Together!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Romania Logo

Flight Itinerary Information

Any changes will be updated to keep information current. Notice that the return flight has been changed from our original itinerary so that we will now arrive in Appleton.

Departure, June 4, 2010

United 7292 Green Bay(2:35p) Chicago O'Hare (3:22p)
Lufthansa 435 Chicago O'Hare (8:45p) Munich (12:25p)
Lufthansa 3506 Munich (255p) Timisoara (5:20p)

Return, June 12, 2010

Lufthansa 3505 Timisoara (1:55p) Munich (255p)
Lufthansa 434 Munich (3:40p) Chicago O'Hare (6:20p)
United 7319 Chicago O'Hare (8:19) Appleton (905)

Important Dates

These are dates that you are going to want to remember is you are called to go to Romania this Summer.

February 21 Confirmation & $125 Deposit Due
March 21 Trip Meeting ,Final Name List, & Second Payment $350
April 18 Trip Meeting & Third Payment $350
May 30 Trip Meeting, Polos, & Final Payment Due $375
June 4 Departure
June 12 Return