Sunday, June 6, 2010

Back from Visiting the Village Churches

This morning our team split into groups and went to visit the village churches around Timiasora. Each man was given the opportunity to share a testimony and Pastor Ray, Jason Gillette, and Pastor Brown all gave messages. The churches ranged in size from 20 to 115. Their culture is different from ours, but their love for the Savior is the same. The pictures are from the Baptist church in Gottlab not too far from the Hungarian border. Our translator was named Sali. He is twenty six and engaged to be married to a christian girl from Romania in October. He also taught a Study on Elijah this morning and played the piano. After church we met for lunch at the orphanage. Apparently noodle soup is a Sunday afternoon tradition for Romanian Church goers. Debbi Brown got put to work to help clean up after us.

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