Tuesday, June 8, 2010

From the Lap of Luxury to the . . .

After dinner last night we returned to finish up a few tasks. The mortar we are using requires a lot of dry time, so if we can finish a wall before bed it will dry over night. The majority of the group moved to the dorm in the orphanage last night. A few stayed at the institute for overflow. It is vastly different than the accommodations we began with. The first two days we had to stay in a hotel. Each of us had our own air conditioned room with a private shower and wireless internet. We are now sleeping on bunkbeds in a orphanage, sharing two rooms and two showers. In the hotel we joked that it was tough to suffer on a mission trip. I think we all agree that the change is good for us. After a utility outage, the water came back on the group was able to use the showers and settle in. The lights went out about 11p.

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