Saturday, June 12, 2010

Sightseeing and souvenir shopping

With the work complete, we turned our attention to finding some souvenirs and doing some sight seeing before we leave. Here is a little piece of Romania for you to watch. We went to the main square in Timiasora and then over to the mall. Their mall is about 4 times the size of the Fox River Mall in Appleton. Maybe I do live in a small town still.

The basilica at the main square in Timiasora is amazingly large.

We had a fancy dinner before we left here are a few pictures from the veranda where we ate. It had to be about 95 up there. We were all dripping in sweat, but the food was great!! Yes, that is liver paste, olives, tomatoes, and sheep cheese. The first time I have ever eaten an internal organ. Not too bad.

Lost was a pretty common word last night. We'll have to tell you the stories when we get home.

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